Make Time to Escape

My contribution to August's issue of ViBrant Magazine Life can get busy, and time escapes us. Sometimes the days can fly by and before you know it, your first days of summer have slipped into crisp autumn evenings. I don't know about you, but I appreciate a break from the busy. A timeout from work,... Continue Reading →

Where Did the Year Go?

So much can happen in just one year! I'll be turning 27 tomorrow... but, what happened while I was 26? Around this time last year I was getting prepared to return to college for Bookkeeping. I've been to college and university before, but I've never stuck it out 'til the end. This time I was... Continue Reading →

HIV Awareness!

December 1st is World AIDS Day! Wear your red ribbons this month – better yet, all year – to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS, or to support someone you know who’s living with it. It’s a day to get educated and know the truth about HIV and AIDS, in order to eliminate the myths that continue to... Continue Reading →

Busy Bee; That’s Me!

Dear World... Dear Blogosphere... Dear Friends... School is kicking my ass. Like, really. I have been out of school for, say, five or six years now. I started it back up this September at Conestoga College for bookkeeping, as an accelerated full-time program. Because of this, I also quit my full-time job and got a... Continue Reading →

August: Eternity

Hey all! School is just around the corner, which means summer holidays are sadly ending! Because of my own decision to return to college, like, next week, I had to quit my full time job. So long security! Oh well, I'm looking for a part-time job at the moment. I'm not worried – things always... Continue Reading →

July Happiness Results

Hey guys! Holy smokes - things have been crazy these last few weeks. We've been trying to enjoy summer, going gamping (gay camping), getting my school stuff in order for September, editing another book for Teddy, and training new people at work since I put in my resignation! So I haven't exactly had an abundance... Continue Reading →

July: Money

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer (or winter if you're down south)! The month of July was a toughie for Gretchen, as it addresses money and its relation to happiness. Over and over she would encounter the common phrase, "Money can't buy happiness," yet she considered the fact that those who are more well-to-do... Continue Reading →

June: Friendship

Holy Crow! June flew right on by – that's why I'm posting so late in the game! Sorry about that folks... Life happens sometimes, am I right? Luckily June's focus was something I feel like I already have a good handle on: friendships. Even though June has passed already, these tips Gretchen gives us are good... Continue Reading →

Anime North 2015

What's Anime North you ask? Well, it's a convention in Toronto that is very similar to things like Comic-Con and Fan Expo, but more geared towards the Japanese animation variety. Yes, it's super nerdy. Yes, that makes me a nerd. Yes, people dress up in cosplay 🙂 There are a lot of retailers selling official... Continue Reading →

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